Home from Uganda!

P1100670We're home from Uganda and Rwanda! I couldn't have asked for a better first trip to Africa. So many magical moments and feelings of peace and connectedness with my dear sister and friends--peace and connectedness with most of the people we met, come to think of it. Colin drove us everywhere we wanted to go, and by the end of the trip we considered him a true friend. What a lovely man.P1100451_2Joyful dancing, singing, and drumming at Rushaga. (I also took video, coming in a future post.)P1090989Sunrise at Queen Elizabeth National Park.P1100143Kate and Elliot celebrated their tenth anniversary (!!!) on this trip.P1100401Gorgeous landscapes nearly everywhere we went. This one en route to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Park.P1100739We camped in (or just outside) three national parks and in the backyards of two city hostels.IMG_2247Jill, me, Spencer, Kate and Elliot, camping on our own little terrace overlooking Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.P1100687Zebras at Lake Mburo.P1100772Inside the minaret at the national mosque in Kampala.P1100324We watched a pair of lionesses sleeping in a fig tree at Ishasha (at Queen Liz).P1100490We are so ready for Broadway.P1100390Everywhere we went, children waved and smiled and called out to us (these little girls were until the moment I took out my camera). Friendliest kids ever!P1100610Spotted on the drive from Kigali (in Rwanda) to Mbarara (back in Uganda).P1100724_2We saw lots of baby animals on our safari drives. This one is a vervet monkey at Lake Mburo. AGGHHHHH SO CUTE.P1100169An elephant and her wee one, spotted at Queen Liz.P1100486In this (accidental) shot Elliot looks like he is four years old and has just gotten away with something naughty.More photos coming next week, hopefully. (I'm building my new website on Wednesday, and I'm not sure how long the blog will be on hiatus while I make all the necessary tweaks. More on this tomorrow!)


Goodbye and Hello


Gone Swimmin'