Gone Swimmin'

We're off to Uganda and Rwanda tomorrow! ("We" being me, Kate, Elliot, Jill and Spencer--the whole Peru crew.)P1090904You have to strategize when planning your trip reading and knitting; the reading must be enjoyable but not so much of a page-turner that you blow through it and have nothing to occupy you afterward, and the knitting must be very portable and relatively mindless. Socks are ideal, but I haven't felt like knitting socks for a good while now, so I'm going to start on this cardigan in happy yellow Hempathy yarn (made of hemp, cotton, and modal). I need more yellow in my life. As for reading material, The Uses of Enchantment is easier than it looks. Fairy tales + psychology!Catch you on the flip side—two more entries after this one in September, and then I get a brand-new website!


Home from Uganda!


The "Happy Meat" Myth