Goodbye and Hello

Tomorrow I will build my new website with a very talented designer. I feel like I need a moment of silence for the old site, which Elliot built for me (including the spoon header design) in 2007 and David tweaked in 2010 when he fixed me up with a new blog. Despite frustrations with Movable Type and relentless Chinese spammers, this little home on the web has served me well for six and a half capture So what's next? Beautiful things, unusual things, inspiring things. The new site will be like throwing a party that never ends. 

comet party nyt

(From the New York Times, May 3, 1910.)
Very soon, when you surf to, you will be redirected to To celebrate the new site, there will be giveaways (I've got copies of the Petty Magic audiobook up for grabs, plus delicious cookies or cake from The Joy of Vegan Baking by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau!) along with Q&As with some of my very favorite creative people. I don't know if I've ever been quite this excited about anything, EVER!

Where We Make: a new feature!


Home from Uganda!