No Good at Juggling

I never learned how to juggle—literally or figuratively, as you can tell by all the balls I've dropped over the past several months. I have a bad habit of getting really excited for new projects and forgetting about the ones I haven't finished yet.So, mostly for my own benefit, I'm putting them down here so I can get to work on wrapping them up:

Can-Do Vegan: Now that I've finished the definitive revision on the 2016 novel (it's been accepted! HOORAY!!!) I can get back to work on this baby.

Vegan By the Seat of Your Pants: This one's on the back burner for the time being.

Vegan Cookery & Pastry: Same deal. (I wish I could clone myself at least three times.)

The Boston Independent Bookstore appreciation series: This one is resuming in the next couple of weeks, I promise!

Uganda and Rwanda 2013: I stopped blogging this trip because I didn't know how to write about the genocide and the landmarks we visited, or if I should. But I have to get over that, because there are great pics and stories left to share.

Israel and Jordan 2014: Stopped blogging out of sheer laziness, I suppose!

#100happydays of drawing: I finished this challenge last summer but never tweeted the rest of my sketches. I'll probably blog the highlights sometime soon.

I need to add yet another project to this list, haha: I audited Intro to Hinduism at Tufts this past semester, and I promised my professor I'd do a blog series in lieu of turning in assignments or taking the exams. I'm aiming to post the first installment tomorrow.

All this is in addition to actual book projects, of course. I have something big to share with you, hopefully later on this summer! 


The Good Karma Diet: Green Smoothie Recipe + Book Giveaway!


Spreading the Vegan Love