Spreading the Vegan Love

I'm back! I may have sounded bummed out in my last dispatch, but I'm actually doing really awesome right now. When I focus on the work itself, there's no bandwidth left over for worrying about the stuff that doesn't ultimately matter.

(At right: with Victoria Moran and Char Nolan at Victoria's book launch for THE GOOD KARMA DIET last Wednesday night in NYC. Photo by Carmella Giardina.)

What does matter: speaking my truth and enjoying every minute of it. Recently I had another guest post on the Main Street Vegan blog called "Veganism and Personal Evolution," and it'll give you a taste of future writing projects for sure.

My old pal Neilochka wound up sharing the link on Facebook, which was really nice of him:

Unfortunately, many of Neil's friends who commented didn't appear to have read my piece before replying with things like "I need meat" and "I could never go vegetarian." As you can see above, even Neil had a strong negative reaction to the concept of raw-food veganism. But the whole point of the blog post is breaking free of a fixed mindset! How do you know you're operating under a fixed mindset? When you start sentences with phrases like "I can't" and "I could never." But you're not ready 'til you're ready, and I suppose no amount of irony is going to clue you in.

On a happier note, Bones & All has been getting lots of love from the NYC vegan community. Not only did Victoria Moran give me TWO shoutouts to a standing-room-only audience at her launch, but Dianne Wenz interviewed me and Katie Dawson did a book review for Chic Vegan, Paula Burke gave me a lovely review over at Our Hen House, and Caryn Hartglass interviewed me for REAL Worldwide, her weekly radio show on the Progressive Radio Network. I may be "preaching to the choir" here, but they are more than happy to represent!

Next week I'll be hosting Victoria on the blog—we'll have an excerpt from The Good Karma Diet, a yummy green smoothie recipe, and a book giveaway! I might even include a round of Taza chocolate... 


No Good at Juggling


Quiet Time