Out of Time and Time for "Cheese"

I have so much to say and so little time to blog it! It's almost impossible to believe, but Bones & All goes on sale a week from yesterday. For almost two years I've had plenty of time, plenty of time, plenty of time, and suddenly the time is (almost) now. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! 

I should have slept. But I was reading BONES & ALL (@cometparty) for @fanlit, one page led to another, and now it's 5:15 am. (Not sorry.)— Jana Nyman (@JanaNyman) March 4, 2015

So until next week I'm leaving you with this link—last week's Main Street Vegan radio show, with yours truly as co host and featuring Miyoko Schinner, author of Artisan Vegan Cheese. Big thanks to my dear teacher Victoria Moran for having me on (not to mention bringing me to a lovely cocktail party for the Humane League afterward.) I'll be blogging about my first cheese-making adventure soon! 


Almost Like Christmas Eve


A Happy Fish is a Swimming Fish