Almost Like Christmas Eve

Tomorrow. Tomorrow! (Well, the UK edition you see above doesn't go on sale until March 26th, but you know what I mean. Thank you to Laura Bambrey for the photo.)

I really want to be mindful of how I've grown in the four and a half years since Petty Magic came out, of all that I've learned and grown into. I am better at letting go of outcomes, but I still loved this blog post by Danielle LaPorte on detachment as opposed to non-attachment. We are discussing the Bhagavad Gita in the Hinduism class I'm auditing at Tufts, and every time we touch upon the concept of separating one's actions from the fruit of one's actions I reflect on how perfectly applicable this is in every aspect of our daily lives.

I wrote a book. I hope you enjoy it, although I don't mind if you don't.* The end. Hooray!

* * *

You may have noticed that I have a shiny new "news & events" page. Right now I have readings/signings/panel discussions scheduled in Cambridge (the launch!!! THIS WEEKEND!!!), Philadelphia, New Rochelle (NY), New York City, and Derry, New Hampshire. I really hope you can join me at one of these events, they're all going to be a lot of fun!

But if you live too far away, you can do one (or both) of the following:

1. Join me for a Twitter chat hosted by The Food Duo this Wednesday at 8pm ET!

2. Ask your local independent bookstore if they'd like to check out my book and consider inviting me to do an event.

Thanks for all your support. It means so much to me!  

* I am currently two projects past this one, so talking about Bones & All kind of feels like talking about a high-school art project. Maybe productivity is my magic chill pill!


It's Pub Day! And you're invited!


Out of Time and Time for "Cheese"