New author photo!

Like I said, my dear friend Anne took my new author photo at Squam—and a big happy shout-out to Jenn, who let us borrow her camera. But before I show you the new pics, I thought I'd post some silly outtakes from the last go-around in June 2010 (thanks, Mumsy!)

I know I'm not the only author who feels as if it's a Big Deal to have my photo taken. This picture is going on the back flap of thousands of copies of your book (not to mention the press materials), so you want to look as good in the picture as you do on your best days in real life.

Something else I should probably mention here: I know a lot of authors get their photos professionally taken, but my agent believes it's better to have a friend or relative take it because you'll end up looking much more relaxed and natural. Anne is a superb photographer—she really is a professional, since she's blogging/writing on a professional basis and her photography is an integral part of that—so I got the best of both! (That said, I love the photos my sister and mother took for Mary Modern and Petty Magic. Those are photographs some great-great-grandniece will pull out of a dusty drawer and say, "Is this the one who wrote books?")

@novaren@noirbettie@flaxandtwine I hear you. I feel like we have to take 100 pictures to get one I'm happy with.— Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) May 6, 2014

So here are the new pictures! These three are my favorites, but #1 is my fave of the faves, and my editor agrees. So that's the one going on the jacket, although I will probably use the other ones for social media.  I'm totally harnessing the Squam mojo. Thanks again, Anne and Jenn! 


What the Heart Knows To-day


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