This is the book you came here to buy

Saturday night I came home and checked my email and Twitter (I think most of you know this, but I don't have/want a smartphone) and read this awesome tweet:

HOLY SH*T @cometparty wrote a book about a teenage girl who eats people AND ON MY GOD I NEED IT NOW!!!— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) June 14, 2014

 Which grew into this conversation: 

@peachandblue@novaren@cometparty it is TOTAL GENIUS— sarah mccarry (@therejectionist) June 15, 2014

@novaren I have, and totally loved it @cometparty@peachandblue— sarah mccarry (@therejectionist) June 15, 2014

@therejectionist !!!! I'm fiendishly jealous. @cometparty@peachandblue— Nova Ren Suma (@novaren) June 15, 2014

@novaren@therejectionist@cometparty ME TOO!!!!!! I WANNA READ THE THING!!!!!— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) June 15, 2014

@heatherbrewer@cometparty yeah, it's called BONES & ALL anf comes out in March 2015!— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) June 15, 2014

@peachandblue@novaren@cometparty I am so excited for it to be out in the world so I can make ALL THE PEOPLE read it— sarah mccarry (@therejectionist) June 15, 2014

@peachandblue SOLD! But... March 2015? *sobs* @novaren@cometparty— E.C. Myers (@ecmyers) June 15, 2014

@heatherbrewer@cometparty yeah, it's called BONES & ALL anf comes out in March 2015!— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) June 15, 2014

@cometparty do you know when ARCs/eARCs will start going out for bloggers and the like?— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) June 15, 2014

@ecmyers@novaren@cometparty story of my life. You always have to wait for good books! D:— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) June 15, 2014

@cometparty I appear to have spawned a need for others to read your book too!— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) June 15, 2014

@cometparty uhh, YES PLEASE! When do we get to see a cover?— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) June 15, 2014

@cometparty Now there are TWO manuscripts of yours I want to read!!— Nova Ren Suma (@novaren) June 15, 2014

@cometparty let me know when it comes in and I'll make you a magnet and/or pendant with the image on it!— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) June 15, 2014

@novaren@cometparty@therejectionist@peachandblue guys guys I want to read this one too….IS MARCH YETTTTTT.— rachel SIMON VS HSA (@rachelwrites007) June 15, 2014

I can't tell you how psyched I am that people are already so enthusiastic about Bones & All. I know what I said last week about writing first and foremost for myself, and that's definitely true, but hearing (well, seeing) someone say "I read your book, and it is genius" gives me a feeling beyond the pleasure of smoothing out a snarl in the plot or a thousand very good words. It is deeply humbling and deeply satisfying, and I want all of you who've read my novels to know how much I appreciate every good thing you've said about them.

So get excited for March! Galleys will be probably be ready in November, so if you are a book blogger, drop me a line and I'll put you on the list. YAY!!!

But wait. This post isn't over yet. 

My friends! They are the best—THE BEST!!! 


New author photo!


June Squam 2014, part 2