Irish Holy Wells, part 3

(Irish holy wells, part 1; part 2.)P1120458 This post is going to be almost all photographs. St. Culain's Well is one of the loveliest, most tranquil places in Ireland (and you know I have been ALL over). I'm so grateful to Bán for taking me there! P1120445 P1120443 This is the best example of a "rag tree" you are likely to find. Leaving a trinket on a rag tree is a form of prayer for a loved one in need of healing. P1120437 P1120447 P1120439 P1120450The holy well is located just off the Lough Derg Way, and it overlooks this peaceful pond off the River Shannon. P1120459 P1120452 P1120453 P1120480 P1120470A bit of pottery I found in the spring. P1120451 P1120464The last line cracks me up. 


Vegan Britain 2014


A Night at the Book Mart