More yummy stuff from Vegan Cuts, and general happiness
After breakfast, lunch. Everything Elizabeth makes is delicious. This is going to be a bit of a hodgepodge post. (Can you tell I'm still phoning it in? Hopefully not for more than a week or two longer!)I got my third and final (for now) Vegan Cuts beauty box in the mail last week, and it was fantastic. Full-size gorgeously scented hand cream, a soy-wax votive candle, yet another deodorant brand to try, some funky hair whip, and pickles-and-ice-cream flavored lip balm (!!!) I appreciate that they always include at least one coupon for one of the brands in the box. I was going to give away the lipstick since I never wear it, but maybe I'll try it the next time I have a big night out.
I placed a separate Vegan Cuts order for more North Coast Organics deodorant along with a new yoga tank and another brand of lip balm (Fanciful Fox):
This stuff tastes like mint chocolate chip ice cream (although I will give the pickles a try, haha)—and I love the biodegradable packaging!I also have to give another shout-out to North Coast Organics for taking the time to handwrite a note—“Thanks for your second order, Camille!"—even though I'd ordered through Vegan Cuts that time, not direct. Like I said, excellent customer service!I will leave you with a pic of my post-yoga brunch this morning at Veggie Galaxy. I finally tried the tofu "egg," and it was really yummy—it sort of has the consistency of mashed potato, and it's very flavorful (turmeric, not sure what else?) Much tastier than the real thing, actually! I look back on all the diner (like, real diner) egg-and-potato breakfasts I had over the first thirty years of my life, and I...well, I don't feel good about it. There's a lot of food you couldn't pay me to eat nowadays.
I got a side of tempeh, seasoned with balsamic vinegar. I also had a Taza hot chocolate with cayenne and it was, as my grandmother would say, out of this world. I have been buying way too much Taza lately. I think I might be addicted. (They are one of our Skillshare sponsors, by the way!)* * *It's funny, I'm only fully realizing recently just how useful it is to you guys that I post pictures of what I'm eating. Several of you have emailed me to say you're moving slowly toward a vegan diet, that it feels intuitively right to you, and I want you to know how THRILLED I am to hear that. Going vegan made such a difference for me, so I wish everyone as healthy and joyful a life as I have! (I'm waiting until the first day of spring to brag that I officially did not have a single cold ALL WINTER. That has never happened before. I credit veganism + daily yoga. It's a great feeling, knowing my immune system is really strong!)