Where We Make: Sarah Greenman

I'm thrilled to be hosting artist Sarah Greenman on my blog today! Sarah and I got in touch through Squam and I'm so looking forward to meeting her at the Fall 2014 session. I bet you'll find her workspace as inspiring (and, yes, enviable!) as I do. 


Hi all! I’m Sarah Greenman and I work from home in a converted garage. It is absolutely, hands-down, without-a-doubt my most favorite place in the whole wide world. (Whoever thought I’d be saying this about a garage!)

I do a lot of different things and need a big space to accommodate my various enterprises. I’m a freelance artist, writer, blogger, actor and photographer. This means I usually have multiple things happening in my studio at once. I also have two young children, Walker (6) and Charlie (3), who love to join me in my studio while I work.

A two-car garage allows me to work multilaterally without having to constantly clean up after myself. I have divided my studio into separate areas. One entire wall is devoted to painting replete with taped butcher paper on the walls and drop cloths underfoot. When I make art, I get messy.

One corner of the garage looks more like a traditional home office and this is where I write and edit photos. A large antique breakfast table sits at the center of the room and usually serves as a catch-all for papers, files, a sewing machine, task lighting, lunch left-overs and various statuary.

I also have some storage and seating so that I can stuff everything away and make guests comfortable when hosting workshops or open studio tours. Since I have two little ones, I am constantly creating work during the in-between moments. Essays, photo shoots and paintings occur between diapers, dinner and impromptu fort-making. To have a transitional space that allows me to waltz in and pick up where I left off is essential to completing work.

In my best moments, this space serves as a nest where I lay, hatch and groom my most inspired ideas. In my worst moments, it’s a space where I can crash, burn, cry and dissolve without upsetting the natural order of my home.  

Thanks, Camille, for having me! You can find me making art at www.sarahgreenman.com or blogging at www.maisonboheme.com and www.helpcharlieheal.com


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