Christmas surprises

P1110603 P1110602You may recall that I put this book on my wish list. I love it when my sister and/or Elliot give(s) me something I mentioned on the blog. P1110598 P1110606I got Kate this magnet from a shop called Rhody Craft at the Providence farmers' market. Hee! P1110599 P1110604 P1110605 P1110616One night I whipped up some hot cocoa using almond milk, carob powder, cane sugar, cinnamon, and a little bit of vanilla. The next day, and the day after:

"Are you making more cocoa?"

"Why, do you want more cocoa?"

"Do youuuuuuuu want more cocoa?"

"I guess I'm making more cocoa!"

* * *

And, lastly but certainly not leastly, a Christmas surprise that wasn't under the tree: K. R. Paradis wrote a lovely piece of music inspired by the holiday "covention" chapter in Petty Magic! Honestly, it's been a week since she posted it and I still can't quite believe I have readers this awesome. 


Another year of YES


More Holiday Cooking and Baking