Art is Free, part 2
Two museums you must not miss while in Bogotá: the Botero (FREE!) and the Museo del Oro (A BUCK FIFTY! Unbelievable.)
The courtyard at the Botero.
Botero's version of Leda and the Swan. (Is it just me, or is it getting rather hot in here?)
"According to myths, the gods gave men musical instruments so their sounds could regenerate the world. They were sacred objects, which were only exhibited and used at certain ceremonies."Our tour at the Museo del Oro lasted for well over an hour, and we picked up plenty of interesting tidbits: of tribal rituals and poisonous amphibians ("A shaman will tell you which frog is safe to lick"), and the scientific explanation behind "the curse of the pharaohs."
In another display case we discovered an ornamental phallus, and our guide said, "It is better than the original. It shines and plays music."
Botero's Terremoto en Papayán. It pretty much blew my mind that he could make a scene of cataclysmic destruction so pleasing to the eye.
Okay, I neglected to write down the title and artist for this one (the photo's not good enough for me to zoom in on the info panel, and Dr. Google couldn't help me this time), but I do remember it was painted an astonishingly long time ago--in the 1950s, I think? It looks more like 2050 to me. Awesome. If anyone can identify the artist, I'd be very grateful.