Art is Free

IMG_0119Bogotá wasn't our favorite stop in Colombia, but we LOVED the street art. I've never seen such gorgeous graffiti.P1060156(Kate took at least half the photos in this post.)IMG_0132IMG_0131IMG_0084P1060133These ubiquitous political stencils are incredibly effective, are they not? (A little more information here, along with more photos.)P1060132IMG_0082The irreverent ones made us smile:IMG_0133IMG_0135P1060128On the tops of buildings you can see the "green men," who are made of papier-mâché. Sierra said they were installed about twenty years ago. It's amazing they're still in such good condition! (The clown above was our favorite.)And another green man:IMG_0136IMG_0134Looking back over our photos now, this one is definitely my favorite.


Art is Free, part 2


The Ihlara Valley