Fleet Library, part 1

P1120128 In high school I dreamed of going to the Rhode Island School of Design. I wanted to be an artist of some stripe, only I couldn't get a portfolio together in time, so I wound up studying art history at NYU. That path led me to paint with words instead, and while I love this life, I do occasionally think about how things would look now if I'd had more courage and confidence as a high schooler. A few weeks ago Elizabeth invited me along to a reception and tour of the Fleet Library at RISD, and I got to indulge again in that little daydream. (Not that I'd have been able to use this library back in the day—it only opened in 2006.)The library is in a converted bank building, with all the best details and features intact. It is an absolute delight. P1120054 The lovely folks at the Fleet had wine, apple cider, fresh fruit, and other nibbly things on offer, and Elizabeth and I chatted with our new friend Chelsea before the tour began. P1120062 P1120060 P1120080 P1120079 P1120076 P1120084 P1120090 P1120069 We left the library that evening feeling thoroughly inspired. I mention that "lost" dream of high school not because I care to dwell on "might have beens"—it is a waste of energy, for the most part—but because I haven't actually given up on it...(Coming Thursday: fun shots from the Material Resource Center and Picture Collection on the second floor!) 

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