Squam Fall 2017

I've been home from Squam for a week and a half, but I am still totally basking in the afterglow. 

The view from the porch I intend to sleep on all week long! #squam #squamlake #squamartworkshops #newhampshire #squamwardbound #squamfall2017 #nature #travel #travelgram

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 10, 2017 at 2:26pm PDT

I was on the support staff full time this go-around, but there was time each day to go for a swim. The weather was glorious. G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S. I have never gotten to spend this much time in the lake—swimming every single day apart from the Sunday we arrived—and I felt so very lucky for that. I did indeed sleep on that screened-in porch every night; I kept thinking the temperature would plummet (when I slept outside in Vermont at the end of September 2010 I remember shivering no matter how many layers I put on), but I was perfectly snug. From my pillow I could see the moon shining through the trees, and in the morning I opened my eyes to the rising sun glimmering on the water.Pine resin sticky in my crazy cropped hair; pond scum between my toes. Bliss, I tell you. BLISSSSSSSSSSSSS. 

Amazing work by @mikeygabes! #wistfulsigh #theultimatesquam #macrame #craft #art #nature #squamlove #squamlake #squam2017 #newhampshire #travel #travelgram

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 18, 2017 at 5:02am PDT

This was quite possibly the most special retreat since Elizabeth first started organizing them, because she announced after dinner on Friday evening that our friend Meg Fussell would be taking over as retreat director next year. You can read more on how that decision came about on the Squam Art Workshops blog. Meg is an utterly delightful human being. She has the magic combo of organizational prowess and social finesse one would need to rock this gig, and I'm so excited to watch her put her own stamp on the retreat and continue to expand our creative community.  I expected to make myself useful (this was the first time I got to drive a golf cart, but it definitely won't be the last, heh!), celebrate with friends old (as in longstanding) and new, enjoy the lake and the woods and the loons and the stars like I always do—but I did not expect to feel quite so inspired or quite so loved by people I am only just getting to know. You're going to hear a lot about my new friend Dr. Giavanni Washington in the months to come: she is an intuitive percussive healer and coach who regularly hosts sacred circles and retreats for women of color in the LA area, but her work really is for everyone. I have no doubt that we have known each other many times before, but even so, it's kind of mind-boggling how quickly someone can become one of your dearest friends. 

Missing the magic of the woods. #squamlake #squam2017 #squamfall2017 #theultimatesquam #newhampshire #travel #travelgram #nature

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 19, 2017 at 9:44pm PDT

I love a pretty mess! #theultimatesquam #squamlove #squamlake #squam2017 #newhampshire #travelgram #art #collage

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 15, 2017 at 3:35pm PDT

First night! #squamlove #theultimatesquam #squamlake #squamartworkshops #art #newhampshire #travel #travelgram #squamfall2017 #squam2017

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 13, 2017 at 5:53pm PDT

#amreading #Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. LOL to this! #bookstagram #squamlake #squamlove #squamartworkshops #squamfall2017 #squam2017 #newhampshire #travel #travelgram

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 12, 2017 at 6:42pm PDT

#zinnia #garden #gardening #squam #squamlake #squamlove #squamfall2017 #squamartworkshops #newhampshire #travelgram #travel 🌺🌸🌷🌹😍

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 11, 2017 at 7:31pm PDT

Sometimes you meet someone you just know has been your bestie in many lifetimes. How tickled was I that @blackgoddessphd packed the sign I made for her at the @squamlove art fair! #friendship #intuition #oracle #oraclecards #blackgoddess #blackgoddesswithin #art #spirituality

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 26, 2017 at 3:14pm PDT

There's a good bit more I could write—isn't there always?—but I'll just leave you with this. On Saturday night, across the road from the art fair, our friend Em Falconbridge was doing her doTERRA "oil fairy" goodness while her daughter Yindi was offering hand massages using said oils, and Giavanni set up her space for oracle card readings, all in the same warm inviting room.Yindi didn't have any "customers" yet, so I went over and asked for a massage. I told her that I used to do the same for my grandfather, and that I was definitely going to cry while she did it, and she was so sweet and kind to me. I am getting quite comfortable with crying in public, let me tell you. Afterward I asked her if she was taking tips, and she gave me this incredulous look—imagine "nooo!" said by a ten-year-old girl in the most adorable Australian accent.

It was healing, and I was grateful. 

My last swim this morning already feels like a dream. #theultimatesquam #squamlake #squamlove #squam2017 #squamfall2017 #art #nature #travel #travelgram #newhampshire

A post shared by Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) on Sep 17, 2017 at 3:05pm PDT


Email Marketing and "Authenticity"


Goodnight, Johnny Starr