Pub Day!
Immaculate Heart is on sale today! The fanfare this time around has been, shall we say, muted—but it is my best work so far, and I feel good about that. If you're in the Boston area, I really hope you can help me celebrate at Porter Square Books this Friday, March 25th, at 7pm. There'll be a (vegan, gluten-free) cupcake with your name on it.
Otherwise, if you wanted to pick up a copy of the book, well, that would be amazing. Thank you very much for your support!
Porter Square Books (order this way and you get the book signed along with a set of three original Ireland postcards—at least until I run out of them!)
Yesterday I was ruminating on the phrase the work is its own reward. It sounds pat on one hand and downright ludicrous on the other, if you're hoping (as I am) to make a living at this whole wacky business. It's true, though. I write to bring whole new worlds into being—to thrill and entertain and inspire and comfort myself, so that hopefully I'll end up thrilling and entertaining you too.