Things I’m Doing Instead of Blogging

Re-revising the book of my heart.

Planning my research trip for Moon Ireland 2.0.

Champagne toasts (in plastic cups; I’m not that classy.) Because I won something!

Talking about monsters with my pals MarcyKate, Marika, and Mackenzi at the Writers' Loft

"Writing monsters" with some fab ladies at the Writers Loft!

A photo posted by Sarah Jean Horwitz (@sunshinejh) on Jan 16, 2016 at 11:05am PST

Teaching my first sewing 101 class (yay!) at Craftwork.

Gearing up for the Immaculate Heart release: answering interview questions, gathering pictures for a photo essay, deciding on a cupcake menu and suchlike. (RSVP for the March 25th book launch here!)

I’m not sure how long it’ll be before I have the time and enthusiasm for blogging again, but I’ll be back eventually.  :) 




Life Without Envy, and Marvin the Time-Traveling Armchair