Shedding My Skin
You must follow the path that opens to you and you must never stop. And it will demand that you shed your skin, over and over and over again. Your skin must be shed for that skin is not the skin of a writer; it is the skin of whatever you were before.
—Stephen Harrod Buhner
The last time I blogged about decluttering I mentioned getting rid of all my grade-school artwork, and how good it felt to photograph the drawings I was most proud of before dumping it all in the blue recycling bin. I thought I'd post some of my favorite old drawings here.
I really love the quote above from Stephen Harrod Buhner (in Ensouling Language), although I keep swapping the word "artist" for "writer" whenever I read it. It may seem kind of weird that tossing old-old artwork should feel so momentous to me, but it does. I'm finally making space for new images. (I'm not done yet though—I have more artwork from my early 20s to sort through!)