Chocolate Mousse, version 1

My friend Layla posted a chocolate mousse recipe from David Wolfe on my Facebook wall awhile back, and I've been making a version of it regularly (the original calls for honey):

1/2 cup cocoa powder

1/2 cup almond or coconut milk

1/2 cup maple syrup

2 ripe avocados

2 tsp. vanilla

optional dash of cinnamon

Throw all ingredients in the Vitamix and process until smooth. Refrigerate for at least an hour before eating. (There will be a bit of mousse stuck to the sides of the blender, but I like to add maybe two cups of coconut milk and run the Vitamix one more time to make chocolate milk out of it. Waste not, heh heh!)

Quick and easy, and simultaneously as rich and lighter than mousse made with dairy. 


Retreat rescheduled: May 2016!


Lake Kivu