36 Hours in the Emerald City, part 2

36 Hours in the Emerald City, part 1: http://t.co/pEbjrm9XS4#vegan#YAlit#seattlepic.twitter.com/3F61qZo9RF

— Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) June 17, 2015

Magical glass at @chihulygg. #seattle (cc @cyndyaleo) pic.twitter.com/rxmZOgLU9G

— Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) June 10, 2015

After landing in Seattle I grabbed a falafel sandwich and headed to the Chihuly Exhibition, which Cyndy Aleo recommended. It's quite pricey at $25, but it's such a unique and wonderful place that I still have to talk it up.  

After the Chihuly I decided to hop on an uptown bus to my AirBnB, shower and rest for a bit before heading out to dinner at the Wayward Vegan Café (see previous post).

The neighborhood is so charming, it was a treat just walking around taking photos of the flowers in people's front yards.  

The next morning I took a leisurely walk around Green Lake. The circuit is 2.8 miles long. 

Totally living this definition of gratitude on my flash vacation. #seattlepic.twitter.com/j2DX7Om5xt — Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) June 10, 2015

Randomly beautiful. #seattlepic.twitter.com/PmSVIpquZK — Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) June 17, 2015


Wild Cherry Tartlets


36 Hours in the Emerald City, part 1