The Good Karma Diet

I'm proud to announce that I make a guest appearance in my dear teacher and friend Victoria Moran's forthcoming book, The Good Karma Diet! Sharing our "vegan conversion" stories (as I do in this new book) is very important for helping veganism feel more accessible. It's an honor to have been part of such a useful project.

But the reason I'm blogging about it today is the terrific perk you get if you preorder The Good Karma Diet before its release on May 19th: an interactive teleseminar with Victoria on Sunday, May 17th! (It'll be recorded for anyone who can't participate in real time.) Attending Main Street Vegan Academy was one of the very best decisions I ever made, so I can promise you that this seminar is going to be insightful and inspiring (as with everything Victoria does). Even better, you'll be entered into a drawing to win one of three $100 donations to the charity of your choice!

To sign up, just forward your email receipt to Victoria's lovely assistant Danielle at danielle DOT msv AT gmail DOT com (making a note of your favorite charity to expedite matters in case you win one of the donations). Danielle will send you the full details on the teleseminar. That's it! So awesome!

Preorder links:

Amazon — standard paper or Kindle edition

Amazon — deluxe Kindle edition

Barnes & Noble  — standard paper or Nook edition

Barnes & Noble — deluxe Nook edition

or try Indiebound to locate your nearest independent bookseller!


A Unicorn and His Lady


EAT ME! (or, Vegan Cupcakes, part 2)