Gratitude 2015 giveaway!; or, a gift in 365 parts

Happy New Year, everybody! To celebrate, I'm giving away a copy of my friend Susa Talan's 2015 gratitude calendar! Same deal as usual:

  • You get ONE entry for a Facebook comment

  • TWO entries for a share, tweet or retweet

  • and THREE entries for leaving a comment on this post.

I'll keep this giveaway open 'til midnight tomorrow (January 2nd) and choose a random entry.

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I'm always excited for the start of a new year, but today I'm bursting at the seams in the very best way. You know it's going to be a terrific year when the new novel is actually hovering somewhere in the middle of a long list of projects, adventures, and other blessings. This month—thanks to a part-time gig at my all-time favorite studio, yay!—I will slip back into my daily yoga routine in preparation for teacher training in November. Yoga and a couple of secret writing projects are at the top of that list.

I'm not much for "resolutions," per se; I prefer to see them as directions in which I'd like to grow. For the sake of accountability I'll share my "2015 expansion" with you here (and I want to hear what you're intending for this year as well!):

1.  Yoga! I didn't manage a freestanding handstand last year, but it is TOTALLY happening in 2015.

2.  Tuck into a series of delicious nonfiction projects. (This is just one of them.) I'm renewing my membership to the Writers' Room, so my productivity is about to skyrocket.

3.  Make more art. I'm planning to take a printmaking class at MassArt over the summer.

4.  After years of wistfully scrolling through IntSweMoDo projects on Ravelry (the challenge is to knit one sweater per month!), I'm finally committing to it, with one tweak: knit a sweater OR sew a dress (or other involved project, like shorts or what have you), EVERY MONTH. I have enough yarn and fabric to last through the summer, at least!

5.  And this is perhaps the most important: this year I finally want to feel like I have my act together. I need to work way more efficiently than I do now. I'm talking zero inbox (inspired by my friend Kirsty), workable craft supply and book storage, and no more manila envelopes stuffed with decade-old scraps of scribbled ideas!

I DID IT, YOU GUYS! Inbox zero is not a myth!— Kirsty Logan (@kirstylogan) May 9, 2014

  I'll be blogging more about these 2015 intentions over the next month, by the way.      

Doing the zombie walk into the light — squam (@squamlove) December 31, 2014

 What are your hopes and ambitions for 2015, friends? By the by, I highly recommend settling in with your hot beverage of choice and filling out Susannah Conway's Unravelling 2015 workbook. Elizabeth and I looked over our workbooks from last year and were stunned at how much of what we envisioned for the year came to pass. (Just be REALLY clear about what you want, because if you leave any blanks, you can't expect to manifest much in that category...) 

Camille gets to see the crazy amazing light in this place. — squam (@squamlove) January 1, 2015

* * *EDIT: Congrats to Liv for winning the calendar giveaway!


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