Vegan Paradise
Spencer points out a line on page 250: In the morning she poured two bowls of Count Chocula, and we ate on the front steps.Me: "Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever eaten Count Chocula."Elliot (?): "I think there's a lot in that book you've never eaten."
Seeing as the classic Middle Eastern dishes of falafel, hummus, and baba ganoush are some of my very favorites, you can just imagine how happy I was eating these foods every day if I wanted to. I think the rest of the gang were a little bit hummus-and-falafel'd out by the last few days, and I may have echoed as much, but I didn't really mean it. Have I mentioned my undying love for falafel?
I didn't get a photo, but on our first night in Haifa Kate and I split a roasted eggplant (it comes with the stem!) with tahini on top, served with freshly-baked focaccia-type bread. We had tahini served various delicious ways, which I'll talk more about next time. It's a way more versatile dip/spread than I'd ever thought!