Ginger lemonade

I turned in my 2016 novel revision the week before last, but I still don't feel much like blogging lately. Too many new projects jostling for attention!P1130876 Here's something on the list for my "uncookbook," though it's so simple I don't even know if I can call it an unrecipe: juice half a dozen (or so) lemons and a few sections of ginger, adding water and maple syrup to taste. (I made a full pitcher's worth.) That's it! P1130872 Fresh lemon and ginger offer awesome health benefits, by the way. I got this locally-grown ginger at the Amherst farmers' market while I was visiting Susa a couple weekends ago. (More on that trip eventually—some potentially life-changing stuff happened!)Some other stuff I've been making: P1130797 P1130776 P1130804 P1130801 P1130815 


Leaf peeping in Vermont


Sweeter than the face of Ishtar