Bones & All and "The Coroner's Bride" Redux

Two items of business, dear readers. Firstly, this (in case you didn't see it on social media recently):

It is a wraparound paper-art cover (YES YES YES!!!

BONES & ALL cover time! The @stmartinspress art team is blowing me away. Truly not overstating: you have not seen a cover like this, ever.— Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) June 20, 2014

 The ARCs have been printed, and I should be getting an expedited copy in the very near future. I can't WAIT to hold this book in my hands (the advance copy and the hardcover). It's a whole new level of special.

And while we're on the subject—if you'd like to preorder the book, I've updated the Bones & All info page with online retailer links! 

@cometparty ugh, I check goodreads for the cover every day. I WANNA SEE THE THING!!!— Anna Pett (@peachandblue) July 16, 2014

 Second item of business: I am very excited to announce that my first published short story, "The Coroner's Bride," is now available to download on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Scribd, and Amazon/Kindle. I hope you like it, because there's going to be a collection someday—following the same heroine throughout her life, from one supernatural mystery to the next. I'm psyched to write it! 

Why @peachandblue is my Twitter BFF: check out this BONES & ALL magnet she made me!!— Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) August 26, 2014


Random Ireland


June Squam 2014, part 3