Adventures in Screenprinting
Back in July I took a two-part screenprinting course at the Boston Center for Adult Education. Krista Siana of Bias Design was our teacher, and I can't recommend the class highly enough. Krista is really fun and relaxed and presents all the necessary techniques in a totally manageable way.
Had an awesome time in @klsiana's screenprinting class at @bcae today—check out my first t-shirt!— Camille DeAngelis (@cometparty) July 19, 2014
The first week we cut our designs out of clear-lay with an Exacto knife.
In the second class we used a more time-intensive but versatile technique: you trace your image directly onto the screen, then fill it in with blue drawing fluid. (This is where the ink eventually goes.) Then you apply a brick-colored screen filler, let it dry, and rinse it so the drawing fluid dissolves. Then you're ready to print, and can use this same stencil for a hundred printings if you like. Here are some step-by-step pics:
(The death's head I used is from the King's Chapel Burial Ground.)
Bad ass art making happening today in my BCAE class. @cometparty rocking that drawing fluid like a pro.— Krista Siana (@klsiana) July 27, 2014
Art making! @cometparty @BCAE Take my class, and make all your T shirt dreams come true.— Krista Siana (@klsiana) July 27, 2014
Needless to say, I am hooked on screenprinting. Now I just have to take advantage of some Dick Blick coupons so I can gather all the necessary supplies to keep printing at home. In addition to screenprinting sessions in October and November, Krista is offering a Japanese woodcut printing class that I would totally sign up for if I weren't going to be out of the country!