Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax

P1130304 Last month I spent a very happy Saturday at Essex and Ipswich with my gentleman caller. We went to the Shipbuilding Museum (new-new-new book research!) and whiled away the afternoon at Crane Beach (above). P1130298 If you are even a little bit into nautical things, I recommend a visit to the Shipbuilding Museum. Those guys are REALLY passionate about building and preserving old-fashioned sailing vessels. Among other things, I learned the origin of the expression "caught between the devil and the deep blue sea": the seam between the last plank on the deck and the side of the boat was known as the "devil seam" because it was so tricky to seal, and if it began to leak mid-voyage one unlucky sailor would have to lower himself off the side of the ship to fix it up again. P1130295 The rest of this post is just cool boat photos. P1130275 P1130276 P1130297 P1130264 P1130268 P1130289 


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