Magical Destinations in Faerie Magazine

I'm excited to show you a little piece I have in the spring issue of Faerie Magazine!P1120956(It's part of a series on magical destinations, mine being the Fairy Glen.) P1120953 The magazine makes a point of showcasing the work of incredibly talented artists like Frank Tjepkema (above) and Emma Van Leest (below). P1120946 This is a gorgeous ad-free publication—it's unabashedly "girly," and I really admire the lush photography and design. I'd love to publish a longer piece with them at some point. Screen_Shot_2014-04-01_at_6.01.10_AM_2ddb4447-ad4b-4663-a9d8-a390f6fc9170_large(In case anyone is wondering—yes, the lamb-as-accessory thing does squick me out a bit.) 


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