A Glimpse Before Packing

I love perusing other people's bookshelves, so I thought I'd give you another peek at mine before I began packing it up. P1120023 As I mentioned the other week, I'm moving in with my friend Kelly in May, and before that (the whole month of April) I'll be on a working holiday in Ireland. (This will be my first trip back in three years, so you can just imagine how excited I am to reconnect with old friends. Then I go to London to see Seanan and have lunch with Hana, my editor at Penguin UK!) I'd hoped to finish blogging about Uganda before taking this trip, but you know how it is. Stay tuned for photos from West Cork, where I'll be revising the manuscript in a cottage apartment a twenty-minute walk from the sea. (How amazing is my life??) 


13 Hours in Manhattan


Bhakti Brunch