23 Hours in Miami

P111072910:30am: for breakfast, the acai bowl at Choices CaféP111073211:30am: walking to the bus stop for Miami Beach. P1110735 P11107481pm: the WolfsonianP1110751...and what I came for. P11108153:30pm: a few quick notes. P11108204:15pm: checking in at my AirBnB room. (Wonderful hostess, needless to say.) P11108255pm: yoga on the beach. P11108266:30pm: yoga over. P1110831 P11108457pm: twilight surf frolic. P11108548pm: Books & Books for a delicious dinner and Rachel's debut novel. P11108729:30pm: "Home" again for a shower, chocolate (thanks, Kelly B!), and another really good book. 


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