Cookies in your mailbox!

As promised awhile back—The Joy of Vegan Baking giveaway! To clarify, I'm baking the winner the dessert of his or her choice out of Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's modern-classic cookbook, boxing it up and popping it in the mail in time for your Christmas Eve shindig. (I'm not giving away the book itself, although you should certainly get yourself a copy, since everything I make out of it turns out exquisitely delicious! Though come to think of it, if an international reader wins the giveaway, it might make more sense to send a copy of the cookbook. We'll see how it goes.)That's right: I am sending you a box of scrumptious homemade cookies! (Or a cake. Or sweet bread. Or macaroons.)More about The Joy of Vegan Baking from the author herself:  I regularly listen to Colleen's podcast, I've heard great things about the 30-Day Vegan Challenge, and I can't say enough glowing things about her work. I honestly don't know where the vegan community would be without her and my dear teacher Victoria Moran.Here are a list of recipes that would be easiest to box up and send:

  • chocolate chip cookies
  • chocolate chip mint cookies
  • peanut butter cookies
  • pine nut anise cookies
  • oatmeal raisin cookies
  • gingerbread cookies
  • chocolate brownies
  • chocolate coconut macaroons [this one is my go-to; easy and delicious.]
  • blueberry orange bundt cake
  • cinnamon coffee cake
  • light lemon bundt cake
  • apple cake [I like to bake this one for Christmas presents, adding dried cranberries.]
  • pumpkin spice bread
  • zucchini bread.

P1110501_2To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment here and tell me your favorite dessert recipe. It doesn't have to be vegan—actually, I'd like to hear about your favorite non-vegan desserts so I can enjoy veganizing them. Same deal as the audiobook giveaway:

  • You get ONE entry for a Facebook comment
  • TWO entries for a share, tweet or retweet
  • and THREE entries for leaving a comment on this or any other blog post. (Sneaky!)

This giveaway closes at midnight on Sunday, December 15th. Tasty baked goods to be delivered by Christmas. Good luck! I think this is going to be a lot of fun.* * *I like to wear vegan-message tank tops to yoga class—it's a great conversation starter! This one is from Colleen's compassionate messagewear shop. (Photo by Alex.) 


To the Unseen Future


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