Snapshots from Cartagena

(Scribbling Away in Cartagena; all Colombia entries.)P1060224The café at our hotel.P1060334P1060238Colombians make the best graffiti.P1060246P1060266We wandered into a random art gallery. Old furniture, a video projection of a woman licking the floor, machetes hanging from the ceiling (as political commentary)...P1060268...And the building itself was part of the installation.P1060275P1060293A torture implement (horquilla del hereja, 'heretic's pitchfork') at the Palace of the Inquisition. (It seemed like pretty much everything in that museum is a reproduction though.)P1060329Ventana de la Denuncia outside the Palace of the Inquisition.


Main Street Vegan Academy, part 3


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