Over the Moon, part 2

(Over the Moon, part 1.)Monday evening I got back late from a crafting circle at the Armory to find an email from my agent waiting in my inbox. I told you things were afoot in the UK!I knew people were talking about Bones & All at the London Book Fair, but I didn't dare to hope there'd be an offer, since there'd been no takers on either Mary Modern or Petty Magic. Especially since the economy tanked a few years back, the prevailing publishing wisdom seems to be that UK publishers aren't likely to take a chance on you if you aren't already a bestselling author in the US.There are exceptions, apparently. I got not one offer, but THREE. This was such a dream come true for me, I can't even tell you! This means I can walk into Foyle's on Charing Cross Road in London (where my dear friend Seanan works) and find my book on the shelf. This means everyone else I know in Ireland and the UK can walk into any other bookstore and find it there, too. I won't have to say, "Well, I think you can find it on Amazon..."

I was pleasantly shocked by the glowing things these London editors were saying. One of them literally got a sunburn after taking my manuscript to read in the park, she was so engrossed in it.

I am very, very thrilled to announce that Penguin UK will publish the book next year!


Cocktails & Calico, part 2


The Next Novel