Was and Is and Will Be

CIMG2796 Seven years ago today, my agent made my first "real" book deal. I was in Ireland researching the Moon guide, so she had to call me at the hostel where I was staying in Connemara. Seven years ago today, the great dream of my childhood came true.

Who are you, once you get the one thing you really really want?

You have to grow into someone else—someone with an even bigger dream.

I know it doesn't look like I'm putting much thought or effort into my blog these days, so BOY will you be surprised when I finally show you what I've been working on. I'm growing, and it's an exhilarating but sometimes-painful process. Some important people in my life aren't going to like the direction I'm headed in, and that's okay. If I had to pick one piece of advice to live my life by, it would be this (from Richard Bach's Illusions):

Just be who you are, calm and clear and bright.

New dreams are incubating. I'm really, really excited.


Happy Stitching


'This life I relish, and secure the next.'