A Good Man is Hard to Find, part 2


An interlude with a bushy-mustached, roly-poly tea-and-nut seller near the Open Air Museum:

Man: How you like Turkey?

Kate: Çok güzel! ("choke-oo-zahl," very beautiful)

Man (to Kate): You are çok güzel. (Points to me) You are sisters?

Kate and me: Yes, we are kardeş.

Man (to Elliot): Brother?

Kate: No, we are... (makes a smooching noise)

Man (to me): You have boyfriend?

Me: (shaking head)

Man: Why you no have boyfriend?

Me: No good men left in America! (points to Elliot) Except for this one.

Elliot: (holds out his hand and makes the 'so-so' gesture)

Man (to me): You find boyfriend!

Me: I'll try! (to Kate): Okay, I'll buy some apple tea. I'll laugh every time I drink it.




Snapshots from Cappadocia