Adventures in Glasgow

P1020472One of the mid 19th-century 'Munich windows' at Glasgow Cathedral.I've heard that Edinburgh is the city to visit and Glasgow is the city to live in, and I can see why they say that--one's got the history and the other's got the edgy arts scene, nightclubs and suchlike. Though I've been living in Edinburgh these last five weeks I've been spending quite a bit of time in Glasgow, for a reason I may one day share with you. Until then, some sightseeing.Ready for the creepiest thing EVER?P1020459Okay, maybe not THE creepiest thing, but she sure spooked the heck out of me on a gloomy afternoon. Spotted inside the Houldsworth mausoleum on the Necropolis (you can see the exterior of this mausoleum on the front page--it's the one on the right).A view of the cathedral from the cemetery, and another photo from the Houldsworth tomb:P1020466P1020461I told some new friends I had gone to the Necropolis, and they seemed shocked. 'But it was two o'clock in the afternoon!' I said. I've heard that people often sleep in the tombs (and do, y'know, whatever else), but it never occurred to me to worry about going up there by myself during the day. I didn't see any unsavory characters lurking around, anyway--just other tourists, a gardener, and some locals walking their dogs.P1020576On February 26th I went to the Tramway, a really neat post-industrial theatre space, to hear my friend Rhona's choir. This is a very lively and supremely talented ensemble group, the Second Hand Marching Band.And on my last afternoon in the city, I went to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. What a treasure trove! If you're ever in Glasgow, don't miss it. The building itself is stunning too.P1020667P1020655P1020643'Floating heads' high above a hall full of taxidermies, 19th-century portrait busts, and other interesting thingamabobs.


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