We have a winner!

Remember the ugly duckling contest?
Yours truly, age 9.

Guess how many entries there were? THREE. You pansies!

why I didn't like November '93
Toby, November 1993. Ace mullet! 

FGH 78 copy

Fran, 8th grade. (I think this photo is adorable, but if I didn't let her enter I'd only have two. Did I mention you all are pansies?) brianBrian, as an Eagle Scout.

I think I had said initially that I'd let you all vote, but there really is no contest here—Brian wins. Now that's what I call rockin' a unibrow.

And, as an extra-special bonus entry:


There are no words, only paroxysms of laughter.


A sulky monkey, and other knitted goodies


Adventures in Peru: Titicaca & Colca Canyon