The Fairy Glen (Enchanted Scotland, part 3)


From the bower could be heard the pipe and the song and the voice of laughter as the fairies 'sett' and reeled in the mazes of the dance. Sometimes a man hearing the merry music and seeing the wonderful light within would be tempted to go in and join them, but woe to him if he omitted to leave a piece of iron at the door of the bower on entering, for the cunning fairies would close the door and the man would find no egress. There he would dance for years--but to him the years were as one day--while his wife and family mourned him as dead.

--from The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries, by W. Y. Evans-Wentz (1911)



A 'fairy glen' on the Isle of Skye (that's me waving from on top of the 'fairy castle', photo thanks to Heather. By that time the weather had turned). Below: Dunbeg.


Happy New Year, everyone!


How to find a literary agent


Enchanted Scotland, part 2