Enchanted Scotland, part 1

The Forth rail bridge. (Elliot, I was thinking of you when I took this.)

 After Edinburgh I went on a backpackers' tour with Wild in Scotland, which I can't recommend highly enough. Everyone on the tour was nice, we got to stay in a castle with a secret passageway, went for walks in the snow and learned a lot about Scottish history and folklore. Our guide, Danny, is smart and hilarious and a whole lot of fun all around.[Edit, 2013: Sadly, Wild in Scotland is no longer in business.]P1010483The first day was definitely a highlight—we walked part of the Fife coastal path, which involved quite a bit of clambering up and down the rocks. Below: Danny talks Adrienne down a fairly scary rock wall.P1010490P1010495After lunch we drove to a church but walked past it, into the woods to an old Pictish gathering-place. Then, of course, the first Christians came along and made a few tweaks:


Below: the ruins of St. Andrew's Cathedral; Doune Castle, where part of Monty Python and the Holy Grail was filmed; Hamish the hairy cooooooo (i.e., Highland cow) at Kilmahog.


Next post: snow, and lots of it (that's where the enchanted part comes in.)


Obsessed? Me?


Merry Christmas! (and a recipe for pumpkin cake)