
The city Christmas carnival is beside the Walter Scott monument.

I loved Edinburgh. I loved the spooky old alleyways and the baked spuds stuffed with vegetarian haggis and the National Gallery (this painting in particular) and St. Giles (where I wandered in just in time for a free choral concert one Sunday evening).

P1010407The view from Edinburgh Castle; the green strip on the right is the dogs' cemetery.
P1010418The castle from below, about four o'clock in the afternoon.
P1010403St. Margaret: an early 20th-century window from the restored early 12th-century chapel.
I went on another ghost tour, and this one was much better than the walk I'd done in York. Somebody somewhere had set off one of those paper-bag 'hot air balloons', and it danced in the sky as we listened to spooky stories inside the Old Calton cemetery. (That's the little squiggle of light to the left of the obelisk.) Supposedly the graveyards in Edinburgh are open all night, which of course encourages much naughty goings-on behind the headstones after dark.

At the top of Arthur's Seat. This walk was hands-down my favorite thing in Edinburgh--great panoramic views of the city from boggy hills that otherwise feel wonderfully remote.

(So many more great photos from Scotland, but I probably won't get around to posting them until after Christmas.)


Merry Christmas! (and a recipe for pumpkin cake)


Nine days to go