the Paranormal Podcast

The Paranormal Podcast with Jim Harold (along with the Campfire) is one of my very favorites. Jim's guests run the gamut from ghost-hunters and psychics and reincarnation researchers to UFO experts and conspiracy theorists, and the podcast is always well worth a listen even if you're a hard-line skeptic. I think I've mentioned before how much I love Bob Curran's shows in particular (he's written books on zombies, vampires, and fairies in folklore--really fascinating stuff, not to mention incredibly inspiring for me as a fiction writer.) Anyway, I recorded a show with Jim last week and it's up today, so give it a listen! [Edit, 2013: Paranormal Podcast archives are available to Plus Club listeners only. Check out the Plus Club though, if you like the paranormal you'll find it a great value!]And in case you've found me through the podcast, I'll post some show notes of my own:My blog post on Keats' poem La Belle Dame Sans Merci is here.As for the dancing baby skeletons, you can find Mike McCormack's terrific novel Notes from a Coma on Petty Magic Cafepress shop is here [2013 edit: the shop is now closed], and here are some modeled shots:IMG_5647(With my friend Niki.)  'Misbehave, and I'll feed you to the mermaids.'


(My sister Kate and her boyfriend Elliot.) 'I may not be all that picky, but I draw the line at the clap' and 'Lord of the Slippy' (this is a compliment to the wearer; all is revealed in chapter 23!)


The clap, part 2.

IMG_5555My grandparents are wearing 'They don't call it the witching hour for nothing' (er, sorry, you can't actually see it) and 'troublemaker'.And now I'm off to London on a working holiday! I'll be keeping track of t-shirt contest entries, and will draw a name at random at the end of November. Thanks in advance for your interest, and I hope you enjoy my chat with Jim--and my novel too of course!


the Cotswolds, part 1


Prim Improper: a Q&A with Deirdre Sullivan