Thank You

hi res PM for websiteLast night felt like Christmas Eve--I kept waking up in the wee hours wondering if it was morning yet. THE BOOK IS OUT!I like long effusive acknowledg- ments pages. Reading somebody else's makes me think I would like that author if I ever met them, and I end up writing long effusive acknowledgments pages because there are a lot of people who helped me get where I am (i.e., published) and not to thank them on paper is to be a stuck-up jerk.  (Wow, that came off really judgmental, didn't it?  But tell me you don't think the same thing when the only ones the author thanks are the editor, agent, Yaddo and MacDowell.)The thing is, though, you always end up leaving somebody out by mistake.  This time I'd asked my editor to send me a list of behind-the-sceners (copyeditor, particularly enthusiastic sales reps, et al.)--which is what we'd done last time, when Sally was my editor--but then Sarah (editor #2) left for Simon & Schuster, and I forgot to follow up on that list.  So I'm going to share some names of people who don't appear on my acknowledgments page (the ones I know of, anyway) but deserve huge thanks for their hard work and support.

  • Christine Kopprasch, my new editor, who has been great about picking up dropped balls.
  • Annsley Rosner, Anna Mintz, Kira Walton, Sarah Breivogel, and all the other savvy publicity and marketing gurus at Crown.
  • Dan Rembert for being the best cover designer EVER.
  • Elliot Seibert, mi hermanito, for designing my original website and tweaking some graphics so I could make up nifty t-shirts (I haven't told you much about them yet because I still need to get some modeled shots! coming soon).
  • David Galli for designing my brand-new blog. Didn't he do a fabulous job?
  • Marian Schembari for kicking my took into gear with the social media shtuff.
  • Maggie and Sarah for being the very best readers and friends I could possibly ask for. (By the way, my first Q&A is up now at Sarah's blog!)

And if you had a hand in putting my book together and I've neglected to thank you, I hope you'll accept my apology. Thank you, thank you, thank you.To everyone else: I hope you have as much fun reading Petty Magic as much as I did writing it!


Harmony Homestead Dispatch #10


Happy Pub Day Eve