Adventures in Peru: back to Lima

'I never made it to Peru. I went to heaven instead.'(--Elliot and Spencer's granddad, who was about to leave for South America but met their grandmother and decided not to go. How adorable is that?)

(The Convento de San Francisco--well worth a visit for the bone arrangements in the crypts. Beautiful tilework too, but that won't make you shiver.)So after four awesome days in the jungle we (very reluctantly, in my case) took the boat back to Iquitos for the night, then flew back to Lima in the morning and did some sightseeing before meeting up with Spencer for dinner. (Elliot arrived in the middle of the night.)

Like I said, we were a bit 'huaca-ed out', but Huaca Pucllana was easy to get to and we thought it would be neat to see one in the middle of the city.  And of course it was.

I liked Lima well enough as far as capitals go, but whenever we found ourselves back in the city it was always with thoughts of where we were off to next (or, on our last day, all the fun stuff we had just seen and done).

This handprint is well over a thousand years old. (The Lima culture, which built the huaca, dates from 200-700 A.D.)And now for a glimpse of the infamous Peruvian hairless dog:

Fawkes & Ibis, Lima style--a stall at the night market at Kennedy Park (yeah, I think that's it) where I picked up a couple of antique postcards. Very proud of myself for offering fifteen soles (in Spanish) after he asked for twenty.And a couple photos taken outside the cathedral:

Jill, Elliot and Kate after our visit to the San Franciscan Monastery.

Next post: Cuzco!


Happy Pub Day Eve


Great Book #94: The Time Machine