A Bowl of Sweet Cream

(Nick called me on Friday to make plans, I asked him how he was, and he said 'My life is just a bowl of sweet cream right now.')


Couldn't resist.

What a marvelous weekend!


With Kate and SJ at the start of the night. Yes, she's actually wearing a shirt that says 'I may not be all that picky, but I draw the line at the clap.'[Edit, 2013: the CafePress shop is no longer open. Maybe someday I'll bring the t-shirts back! In the meantime, all links have been removed.]


The Harmony Homestead gang enjoying their boozy lollipops.


The Clap, take 2.


I think Elliot felt a little weird, but he was a sport and wore it all night. Being Lord of the Slippy isn't as dodgy as it sounds, honest!...Okay, maybe it is. But it's still a compliment.I'll post more pics and video later this week (jam session with strumbox! reading of a page at random!)  In the meantime, Neilochka's party recap is cracking me up.p.s.--There isn't any mark-up on these t-shirts; I made them up for fun, and admittedly for a bit of free advertising.


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The Passage Assassin