Ugly Duckling Contest!

Over the summer I found this photograph of yours truly hiding creased, dust-bunnied, and frameless in a cabinet full of random junk at my grandfather's house.Friends, there is no delicate way to say this: I was fug. My grandmother loved me better than anybody, and even she didn't want this one on the wall.I have been taking this picture out every so often to laugh at it, and it gave me an idea for another contest: send me the worst baby/kiddie/school photo you have of yourself, and the awkwardest child of the lot wins a Petty Magic t-shirt (winner's choice of slogan, style, and size, naturally) along with a copy of Mary Modern. You can enter by either emailing me the photo (mealeyATgmaildotcom) or posting a link in the comments. The only stipulation is that you have to let me post your picture--your own picture only, please; there'll be no making fun of anyone unless they're laughing too--because we're all going to vote on this.  Entries will be accepted for the next week or two.P.S.  Happy Birthday, Ma. Bwahahahahaha.


Adventures in Peru: the Amazon, part 2


Adventures in Peru: the Amazon, part 1