I ♥ Shaye

Something really crappy happened in the publishing world last week.Let me back up. From the day I got my Mary Modern book deal (14 March 2006--can't ever forget a date that important), I felt really happy to be a part of Shaye Areheart Books. Shaye and Sally (my editor on Mary Modern) always made me feel not only that they loved my book, but that they cared about me personally. I got the impression that it wouldn't make one bit of difference to Shaye if I never made a bestseller list, so long as I kept telling good stories.Now, this sort of thing happens quite a bit--CEOs and other folks in lofty positions occasionally get ousted in publishing just like any other business--and I don't want this to turn into an anti-corporate rant or anything. (Well, all right: I composed the rant, and have just hit 'delete'.) I just wanted to ask that when you pick up a hardcover copy of Petty Magic this fall, stop and look at the colophon on the spine. It ought to have been a steaming coffee cup, with SHAYE AREHEART BOOKS written underneath.


Great Book #44: The Wind in the Willows

