Victory Jumper—squee!
(Victory jumper, part 1.)Is this not the most fabulous thing I have ever knit?!Pattern: Your Victory Jumper by Home Notes (published June 2, 1945)Yarn: Regia 4-Ply (kardinal, #1078, just over two skeins) and Lang Jawoll Superwash (all of three skeins of petrol, #0088, and a skein of green, #0116)Needles: #2.5s for the body, #1.5s for the ribbingRaveled: here (with full notes on mods made).
I was hoping this would turn out kick-ass so I could wear it in my new author photo (which has yet to be taken). I was also hoping there'd be sunshine this weekend, but alas.
I have only one wish-I'd-done-differently this time, and that's the sleeve length. I wish I'd knit them a couple inches longer so the ribbing doesn't scrunch at the elbows. But that's pretty nit-picky I guess.(Thanks to Li'l Pete for the photos.)