1930s Tennis Blouse

(Tennis blouse, part 1.)This one spent quite a few weeks in time-out before I finally dealt with all the little things that were annoying me about it. First, I have decided that I really do not like knitting with cotton. The fiber has no give, and my fingers actually started to feel a bit sore after awhile. Also, it may not have been such a good idea to stray so far from the original pattern. One word: STRIPES. Since I knit the front in pieces, they were a b***h to match up. Plus, the lace pattern slants to the right (oops), so it was tricky to seam so it laid evenly. I'm not pleased with my finishing on this one either, but it's time to call it a day. It's quite pretty...if you don't look too closely at it.

Pattern: 1930s Striped Sweater with Lace Panel, from Vintage KnittingYarn: Rowan 4-ply Cotton (discontinued) in aegean and fresh, 3 balls eachNeedles: #2s for the ribbing and #3s for the bodyRaveled here (with detailed pattern notes, not that I suggest you follow them!)

Kate took these pics today, a very gloomy Labor Day. No tennis racket to hand, but I found my grandparents' old croquet set in our garage. I think this qualifies as random nerdiness.